Thursday, July 07, 2005


All the magazines and papers are going crazy about Millionaire lately, about how they are 'sexy' and so very 'punkrock'. My stupid self who will never learn thought maybe there was finally something good paid attention to so I put in an effort to type in 'Paradisiac' in the searchengine of my favourite illegal downloadsystem, press the right mouse button and select 'download containing folder' and spend some of my precious bandwidth to get to hear this fabulous and amazing record. What a fucking waste of time, effort and bandwidth! If you want to call a secondhand pseudo-wild version of the Queens of the 'how to become boring in only four records' Stoneage 'sexy' and 'punkrock' you're an idiot, if you want to believe these idiots, you're an even bigger idiot!
So this is what I call 'sexy punkrock': 'I'm saving myself for Nichelle Nichols' by the Dirtbombs. The music is fast, loud and sloppy (PUNKROCK!) and the singer is so fucking desperate (SEXY!) it's unbelievable, he wants to fuck Nichelle (lt. Uhura from Star Trek) so bad and he knows it will never happen but he just won't give up.


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