My Satori: religion sucks, people suck, peace, love and understanding can kiss my ass.
The Flower Travellin' Band look like a bunch of buddhist hippies and what about that stupid bandname? Yet they manage to sound goddamn EVIL! The singer sounds like Robert Plant buttfucking Ozzy with a goat's head and Jimmy Page can only dream of sounding as possessed by Satan as this guy does. I'm pretty sure there's more than one japanese crazy fucker who got inspired to do some killing after hearing this stuff. But hey, it's all in the name of Zen Buddhism and shit, hahahaha!
Listen to "Satori pt. 1" from their Satori LP
hey walvis hoes zit het mee die oepdeejts?
groeten van je trouwste fan
Moest je het nog nie weten: IK BEN LUI! Maar er wordt aan gewerkt.
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