Hey, guess what (well, if you're reading this you probably already know)? Every band to the right has split up or has changed except for one! Flowers For The Few kicked out Timmy 'cause his asshole became too stretched out and couldn't provide pleasure anymore for the other guys, that's what you get for having to sit on your ass all the time! Just in time to launch their supergay new website! Butterflies and the gayest font in the history of fonts, come on guys, if you wanna be gay why not go all the way and put up some pictures of dicks and asses? Titty Twister finally realised they never could live up to their name and considered to change their name to the Dick Swingers but 'cause one of the members (the guitarplayer with the hair, hint, hint) came up too short in the dickdepartment they decided to quit it. And what the fuck's going on with Hypnos 69 nobody seems to know. Luckily Jean is still kicking the shit out of his drumset with Goe Sjoe, they even got a whole bunch of shows coming up opening for the royal cocksuckers Mint (hey Jean, ask those guys if they got to fuck Fabi up the ass) and a free show in the MMMMMMMMMM-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.